EDC holds joint meeting with community leaders

The Italy Economic Development Corporation sponsored a joint meeting with the city council, school board representatives, church representatives and various community leaders and business owners.

David Miracle, consultant, facilitated the meeting. He said there are 647 EDCs in communities within the State of Texas. Simply defined, economic development is the process by which new dollars are infused into a local economy.

He explained that six needs and action steps are required. They include strategic planning, market plan, incentive policies, available sites and buildings database, budgeting and relationship building and establishing networks.

The strategic plan is designed to assist to make the best use of local resources – in order to best respond to change, to take full advantage of opportunities and to avert threats to existence. The planning process is about discovery and direction; not where you hoped you would be – but where you are.

The purpose of the strategic plan is to provide a five to ten-year roadmap for the Italy EDC. This plan will be the culmination of several activities or steps. Miracle said the purpose of the meeting was to complete two of eight steps. They were to select stakeholders to form a strategic plan steering committee and, as a group, create a mission statement and goals.

There were approximately three dozen present at this meeting. Breaking into six groups, each group was to pick their top two mission statements out of four options.

Mission Statement A states: The mission of the IEDC is to promote and enhance the economic vitality of the community through the retention and expansion of existing business and the resource appropriate attraction of a new business. Further, the IEDC will work in a variety of ways to promote a suitable climate for quality economic development in all its forms; industrial, commercial, institutional, retail and residential.

Mission Statement B states: The Mission of IEDC is to attract new business and industry, encourage investment in the commercial core of Italy, retain and explain existing business and industry and encourage development of new entrepreneurs and startup companies.

Mission Statement C states: IEDC is the lead business organization that drives economic development, supports and provides services to the community to ensure quality growth, a robust economy and a positive business climate for the City of Italy.

Mission Statement D states: The IEDC has been charged with facilitating expansions and relocations of new and existing businesses that in turn will bring additional tax revenue, local spending and job opportunities to the economy.

Most of the groups chose the first two mission statements as their top two choices.

The groups were then asked to choose their top three choices for the EDC goal and objectives. Goal one is to attract desirable industry, goal two is to expand and retain existing business, goal three is to market Italy and goal four is to promote a healthy business climate. Goal five is to maintain strong leadership and financial stability for the IEDC, goal six is to make quality of life improvements that interest the young professionals and goal seven is tourism.

Most of the groups chose goal two, three and six as top priorities.

Prior to adjournment, Mark Stiles, EDC chair, urged all in attendance to be at the EDC meeting on Monday, Aug. 24 at 6:30 p.m.