Avalon ISD Subscribes to Flashalert
Avalon ISD’s Dome - During Monday night’s storm the community of Avalon was invited to come sit out the storm in this multi purpose dome. (Cindy Sutherland)
Monday night the sky was aglow with lightning and thunder could be heard indicating a large storm was coming.
Del Bosque said, “Last night the Multipurpose Center (the dome) was open during the storm. Our First Responders went around town notifying residents that they could seek shelter at the Dome (the Dome is designed to withstand force 5 tornado winds). However, those that subscribe to Flashalert got notified by text message and email that the Dome was open. We will continue to use this service for our school community and local residents. There are two methods of entry – News Releases and Emergency Alerts like Monday night. We will try to use it only for pertinent announcements that would not normally be found on our website and of course for Emergency Alerts. The message will come from Flashalert. I will also add this to our inclement weather announcements when those days come. I would encourage you to subscribe to our service (it is free).”
This is the alert that went out Monday night to the Parents and Staff with instructions on how to utilize the service:
Avalon ISD: 8:55 p.m. 9-21-09 Avalon Dome is open during this approaching storm – Community welcome.
Parents and Staff
Avalon ISD
This year Avalon ISD has elected to use a program called FlashAlert for informing both faculty and parents about events that occur in the district. This will be especially useful for emergency communications such as early school closings, storm alerts, and other special events. Registration is REALLY simple. You can receive messages by cell phone and computer, but you must register by computer to receive your annual updates from the vendor and tests of the system.
Here is the process for registering:
1) Log on to the internet and access www.flashalert.net.
2) On the map, click on the Dallas/Ft. Worth button.
3) On the list, click on Dallas/Ellis Co. Schools.
4) On the list, click on Avalon ISD.
5) Enter an e-mail address for your home computer (or the computer you choose) in the box.
6) Make sure the box is checked in front of Emergency Alerts and click on the Subscribe button.
NOTE: Prior to clicking the Subscribe button, you may click on Follow our Flash alerts on Twitter to receive district information in that way also. Follow the direction online to add Avalon ISD to your Twitter account or to create a Twitter account using their directions. After you have created your Twitter account, return to this screen and start at Step #6).
7) Re-enter your e-mail address and create a MEMORABLE password (there is password recovery should you forget it).
8) Select Dallas/Ft. Worth/North Central TX from the first list and Dallas & Ellis Co Schools from the second list.
9) Enter additional devices (computers or cell phones as directed).
10) Click on the RED test message to send a test to your devices. You are now registered.
You will now begin receiving emergency or regular announcements from Avalon ISD by e-mail and cell phone texting. You must be able to receive text messages to get cell phone notifications. If you also added Avalon ISD to your Twitter account, you will receive these messages that way also.
Thank you for registering to help Avalon ISD keep its parents and staff more informed and up-to-date should emergencies occur.
This message was sent Monday night to our subscribers Avalon ISD: 8:55 p.m. 9-21-09 Avalon Dome is open during this approaching storm – Community welcome.
The Dome and Flashalert will work hand in hand to keep you safe.