Goblins, Witches and Monsters – Oh No!
Good Sister Bad Sister? — Clover Stiles and Tanya Parker all dressed up and having fun. (Cindy Sutherland)
Lots of smiles and lots of laughter could be seen and heard on Friday in the halls of Stafford Elementary. The reason for this? – It was the Stafford Elementary’s annual parade of costumes. Some of the cutest little monsters, aliens, witches, goblins, ballerinas, and even a little baker man could be seen parading the halls.
Paula Mandrell (teacher) said, “This is our annual parade of costumes and the kids are having such a good time. The students look forward to it every year and the costumes just keep getting better.”
Even the teachers dressed up to join in the fun. I even spotted Tanya Parker, the new high school principal roaming the halls all decked out in costume.
After the parade during the students P.E. classes each class was invited to the Fall Carnival in the gymnasium to jump in a jump house and play all kinds of games for prizes and candy.
Another fun filled day at Stafford Elementary.