Thank you Barry Byers

I just wanted to say thank you so much to Mr. Byers. He covers our Gladiator news without fail, takes incredible pictures, and always puts our kiddos in the best light. Please tell him thank you so much for always putting Gladiator spirit in the limelight and for helping us get the good news out to the community. It is appreciated and it makes my job SO much easier.

Thank you again,
Tanya Parker
Principal, Italy High School

Comment by Keith Roberts, November 19, 1:15pm

Barry Byers has don a great job covering Gladiators sports and has really been a good addition to the Neotrib. The video clips have been a great addition, also.

Comment by Coach Robert Sollers, November 19, 1:51pm

I would like to thank Mr. Byers for his efforts in covering our kids. He is a pleasure to work with at all times, and the kids love the coverage he gives them. I am very proud to have him on our team. He is a valuable asset to Italy ISD and all its students. His writing style is both fun and accurate, which is a rare thing in the Press today. Thanks, Barry, and keep the stories coming!

Comment by Coach Stephen Coleman, November 19, 2:10pm

I too would like to commend Barry.

Every week during football season I get calls from family and friends all over Texas wanting to know when the latest story by Barry on the previous Friday night game will be submitted. Everyone in my circle loves the coverage that Barry gives to the Gladiator football team. The commentary is hysterical, the pictures awesome, the videos incredible.

This community and school is very fortunate to have someone like Barry that is so committed to promoting the kids and their activities. I have coached at several different schools none of which had anything close to what the Neo Trib and Barry do for us.

Thanks to the NeoTrib and Barry for the job that they do. It is much appreciated.