Thanks from Coach Kyle Holley

The three-day, sixteen-team Italy Basketball Tournament, held December 3-5, was a success for the sixth year in a row. As always, there are numerous people to be thanked for their involvement and contributions.

First of all, thank you to the coaching staff, Rita Garza, Greg Richards and everyone else that volunteered to run the clock and keep the score book. Thanks also goes to Tina Richards and the NHS students for manning the ticket gate.

The hospitality room, which is always a favorite with coaches, referees and tournament workers, was the best that it’s ever been; due in large part to contributions from the following local businesses — Dairy Queen, McDonald’s, Sonic, David’s and the Uptown Cafe.

A special thank you goes to Karen Mathiowetz, Jimmie Malone and Larry Mayberry for providing home-cooked meals.

Thank you to all of the others, who are too numerous to name, for providing snacks and desserts.

Thanks for supporting the Gladiators,
Coach Kyle Holley