School board extends administrative contracts

The Italy School Board of Trustees voted Monday evening to extend the administrative contracts to 2012 for Penny Mattson, director of special programs; Carolyn Maevers, Stafford Elementary principal; Tanya Parker, seventh through twelfth grade principal; and Craig Bales, athletic director.
The vote came after an hour-and-a-half executive session at the monthly trustee meeting.
In other business, the board called for a trustee election set for Saturday, May 8. Three seats are up for three-year terms – those of Cindy Carter, Larry Eubanks and Curtis Riddle. The board named Ann Byers as voting judge, Celeste Carroll as early voting clerk and Monica Boyd as alternate early voting clerk.
Early voting is planned at the ISD administrative office, 300 College St, from Monday, April 26, through Tuesday, May 4, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. The joint election with the City of Italy will be held at the City of Italy council chambers on May 8.
Trustees will canvass votes on Wednesday, May 12, at 4 p.m. in the ISD administration office.
Jimmie Malone, superintendent, reported current student enrollment at 643 as of Feb. 17. Refined average daily attendance is 590.45. Currently there are 347 students enrolled at Stafford and 296 students enrolled at the junior high/high school.
He also said the district received a $25,000 rebate award from Oncor due to the electrical updating done at the schools through heating and air conditioning improvements, lighting updates, etc.
Malone explained the school district is moving from 1A to 2A beginning next fall. The district will compete with Axtell, Blooming Grove, Buffalo, Centerville and Jewett-Leon in football. In basketball, Italy will face Axtell, Clifton, Grandview, Keene, Maypearl, Rio Vista and Whitney in district play.
He presented the board a letter from Region 10 following an audit of the Child Nutrition Program at Stafford. He said the audit was favorable and the district had completed all suggested corrective actions.
Malone said he was revising a committee to look at lunchroom issues. He said there had been a committee in place at one time but there has not been an active committee in more than five years.
The superintendent explained the district plans to purchase 650 pounds of gypsum to put on the football field to assist with drainage.
Malone said he purchased a 2002 Chevrolet ½-ton V-8 pickup for the maintenance department. The pickup, purchased through the State of Texas, cost the district $750. He said the transmission was in the bed of the pickup. He said it needs tires and a few minor repairs. Malone explained the transmission has been installed and the district will put about $2,000 into repairs and have a good, serviceable pickup for the department.
The superintendent said the district has hosted two playoff basketball games at the dome and cleared an average of $500 per game.
During the financial reports, Boyd said the district has realized 53.33% of its revenue and expended 47.44% of its projected expenditures. She said tax collections are down approximately 10% from what they were at the same time last year.
In other business, the board approved minutes of the January meeting, budget amendments and the Board of Trustees Textbook Certification 2010. They also accepted the resignation of James Green and Andrea Windham as a coach.
Kevin Witte, technology director, gave the board reports regarding the amount of time students and teachers spend on the various computer software programs. Curtis Riddle, school board member, urged Witte to get the teachers more involved in using the computer software.
The board tabled the item regarding school board training hours.
Due to spring break, the next meeting of the school board is set for Monday, March 22.