February Birthdays at Trinity Mission
Billie Rutlege Birthday Girl — Billie is showing off her birthday ring! (Cindy Sutherland)
February birthdays were celebrated at Trinity Mission on Friday. There were lots of cupcakes and ice cream and lots of birthdays.
Dorothy Landers, James McKinzie, Francis Hooper, Mattie Short, Wilma Hooks, Diane Ramsey, Billie Rutledge and Clara Owens were the birthday folks for the month of February.
Clara Owens (birthday girl) said, “I love birthdays! It is always fun to have cake and ice cream and celebrate with my friends.”
Carolyn Powell (activities director) is always happy to celebrate birthdays but especially likes the birthday month of February. “February is the shortest month, but it is the love month! And there is a lot of love here today for all the February birthdays,” explained Carolyn, laughingly.
Everyone enjoyed the birthdays and the ice cream seemed to be a big hit.
Another “happy” day at Trinity Mission!