We Love Texas
Welcome to our Show — Let the show begin! (Cindy Sutherland)
There was quite the ho-down going on at Stafford Elementary Thursday morning around 8:30 am. Some of the cutest little second grade cow pokes you ever saw were ready and willing to sing their hearts out about their love of Texas and boy howdy, did they sing.
They sang: One Night When I was Sleeping, Texas our Texas, All Aboard to Texas, Deep in the Heart of Texas and God Bless the USA.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag was recited along with the song We Love You Texas.
And a ho-down wouldn’t be complete without square dancing and wow, what a show of dancing skills these second graders put on. They were doing the do-si-do and promenading for all to see and enjoy. They even did the swing dance with lots of enthusiasm.
Jan Shepard, Susan Jacinto and Paula Madrell (all second grade teachers) worked very hard to put this program together and their hard work resulted in a great show.
Paula Mandrell said, “We just love putting this program on every year, the kids are just amazing and that square dance just brings back memories of a long time ago.”
Way to go second graders, you were AWESOME!