The countdown has begun
Happy Ebony — IHS Senior, Ebony Meyers, is enjoying ice cream at the First United Methodist Church on Tuesday. The first of many parties celebrating the Class of 2010. (Anne Sutherland)
Ice cream, games and bubbles-sounds like a kid’s party. Not really, if you are a senior at Italy High School, these are just some of the items you will need for the beginning of fun. Last week was the kick off for the senior parties hosted by some of the churches in town. The First United Methodist Women gave an ice cream party in the honor of the graduating class.
It has been a tradition for many years for the ladies of the local Methodist church to treat the graduating class to an ice cream party. And, of course, there will be games. Rev. Tim Thomas began the party with a message.
“From Judges 6, the story of Gideon. Gideon acted upon three things:
Used his head
Seniors have been in education for 13 years and the foundation for knowledge was laid. The best thing to learn is not having knowledge but using it and knowing where to find the answers.
Trusted his heart
Knowledge is great but compassion and relationship is just important, if not more so.
Listened to the word of God
The word that comes in a multitude of ways. Advice and teaching of others. Reading and being open to others thought and ideas-directly and indirectly.
If the students are open to and practice these three things, their future can be hopeful."