Splash Day

Image: Band of Water Warriors — These little “Water Warriors” were having fun raging war with squirt bottles.

Band of Water Warriors — These little “Water Warriors” were having fun raging war with squirt bottles. (Cindy Sutherland)

Bright and early Monday morning lots of first grade students at Stafford Elementary were having a blast! Swinging on swings, sliding down slides, football games and lots of water fun was being had by all.

Charlotte Morgan said, "End of the year “Splash Day” is just a time to be with your friends one last time before the end of the year. A perfect way to start our summer off with a splash and to reward the students for working hard and having a great year."

Little boys were running after high flying footballs and lots of other students could be seen swinging very high in the sky on the swings.

A sprinkler was spraying water fast and hard as lots of first graders were running through the ice cold water with screams of delight.

A band of “water warriors” could be seen with spray bottles of water spraying everyone they could.

We can’t forget the little girls catching some rays on their beach towels.

What a wonderful end to a wonderful year at Stafford Elementary!