Letter to the Editor: Proclamation request

To The Honorable Mayor of Italy, Frank Jackson, and all Concerned Citizens:

Would you please proclaim a “LOVE OUR COMMUNITY DAY”

Let’s be a community of love. If we love our neighbor, let’s show them by deed, and not words only. Would you mow your neighbor’s yard? Could you love your community enough to clean it up, such as mowing, weed eating, and picking up trash? If we know someone in the Nursing Home that needs this kind of help, let’s do it.

Let’s send in the names to you, Honorable Mayor, of people that need this help. Then you can delegate authority to those in charge of Community Service or those in the community that would be willing to serve in this capacity. This could also be a good choice of community service that could be added to a student’s chance for a scholarship. This would also build up the young people’s bodies to do better in sports! Perhaps Pastors would encourage their people to turn in names that need this service. As a community, we support our sports teams.

Let’s love our community enough to support it by cleaning it up. The clean-up volunteers could meet on the first Monday evening of every month from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., like we do at the Italy Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry. This would only be one time each month. Could we not love our community enough to do this? Perhaps you, our Honorable Mayor, could give out awards at the end of the year to the ones that did the most community service during the year.

Let love prevail in our community! We need volunteers that love our community enough to clean it up. Let’s pull together and help one another in beautifying our community. We could be the most beautiful community in Texas. If you play sports, you can help. Perhaps each person could bring their own supplies, such as mowers, rakes, hoes, and trash bags. Perhaps you could meet at a church.


Sincerely, Alvin C. & Mayme E. Onstad