EDC approves downtown title search

Following a brief executive session, the Italy Economic Development Corporation voted to conduct a title search on an unnamed property located on Main Street.

Tom Little made the motion to have Teri Murdock, city secretary/administrator, contact a company to do the title search but did not specify the property in question.

Mark Stiles, president, brought up parking issues in the downtown area. He said parking could become a problem if downtown business increases.

He pointed out that there are a number of handicapped parking spaces and questioned the need for so many. He also mentioned the possibility of additional parking behind the city hall area.

Murdock informed members that the sales tax for May is $7,836.33. The money market interest income for May is $264.49 with a balance of $172,735. The board also approved the transfer of $10,000 from the money market to the operating fund.

The board approved minutes from the previous meeting and bills for April.

The next meeting of the EDC is set for Monday, June 28.