Ms. Stars and Stripes
The Trinity Mission Team — Carolyn Powell, Chris Baker, Willie Inman and Evelyn Jenkins are pictured above. (Cindy Sutherland)
Did you know that we have two beauty contestants at Italy’s Trinity Mission? Well, we do, they are Willie Inman and Evelyn Jenkins. They were chosen to represent Trinity Mission in the Ms. Stars and Stripes senior citizen beauty pageant held in downtown Waxahachie at the Texas Theater on July 1st at 2:30 pm.
There are four categories that the contestants will be judged on. They are: Inner Beauty, Talent, Evening Wear and Question & Answer.
For the Inner Beauty category the contestants will write a brief synopsis about their life or the things they have learned or accomplished. For the Talent category they can choose from singing, dance, comedy, poetry, dramatic reading, art (painting, crochet, knitting) or playing an instrument. In the Evening Wear category each contestant will be sporting their finest dresses. And for the last category, Question & Answer category the contestants with the highest five scores will each be asked one of the following questions:
What is your greatest joy in life and why?
As a child, what was your favorite thing to do?
What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
To where was your first out of town trip?
The contestants with the top three scores will be awarded first, second and third place crowns, a monetary prize, the opportunity to ride in style in
Waxahachie’s Crape Myrtle Parade on Saturday, July 3rd, 2010 and of course bragging rights.
Willie Inman will be reciting a poem for the talent category. She excitedly said, “I want to win!”
Evelyn Jenkins will be playing the piano for her talent category. When asked what she thought about being in the contest she said, “I think this is a great idea. I think it will be a lot of fun.”
Chris Baker (director of marketing for Trinity Mission) said, “This is a great opportunity for our residents to have some fun. We still need business sponsors. If you would like to be a sponsor you can call me at: 972-483-6369. The sponsorship deadline is June 25th.”
More fun for residents at Trinity Mission! See you there!