Watermelon Feast at Trinity Mission
Watermelon Anyone? — Carolyn Powell (activities director) is ready to serve up the watermelon. (Cindy Sutherland)
There was plenty of watermelon slices for everyone at Trinity Mission on Friday afternoon. Tables were filled with watermelons and the dining room was filled with happy residents enjoying watermelon to celebrate Father’s Day.
I talked to several of the residents and asked them about how it was to be a father and also asked about their fathers and here is what they said.
George Lowe (resident) said, “I have one son and seven daughters, Lennie, Fonda, Leah, Carla, Peggy, Jan, and Michael. Raising my children was both a joy and a headache but a great time and I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it.”
Mr. Kelly (resident) said when asked if he had any children said, “Two boys and one girl. One lives in Italy, one in Kerens and one is Waxahachie. Their names are: Sharon, Jimmie and Garland. Being a father means a lot to me. It was a pretty easy job, they were good kids.”
Evelyn Jenkins (resident) said remembering her dad, “George Green was my father’s name. He had a family of thirteen children and he made a living for them all by farming. He was a good dad and a strict disciplinarian. I remember one time when he was going up to a friend’s house to stay a while before dark, when he was ready to leave it was dark and in those days they didn’t have electricity and he got lost. When he was leaving the neighbor’s front porch he turned the wrong way. A couple of hours went by and we started to get worried. Finally he saw a neighbor’s light far away, he went to the neighbors and got a lantern, lit it and got home safely. Being a little girl it was a scary moment but when I saw my dad all my fears were gone.”
Carolyn Powell (Activities Director) said, “Today we are honoring fathers for Father’s Day with a watermelon feast. We have seen a lot of fathers come and go and this is dedicated to everyone that was here and is here now. We miss the ones that were here just like their loved ones miss them and we have new ones to love too.”
Another fun day of celebration at Trinity Mission.