June Birthdays celebrated at Trinity Mission
Let Them Eat Cake — Everyone here is enjoying the birthday cupcakes. (Cindy Sutherland)
Lots of June Birthdays were being celebrated at Trinity Mission on Tuesday.
There were many birthday cupcakes for everyone to enjoy as everyone sang Happy Birthday.
The birthday guys and gals are: June Frame, Evelyn Jenkins, Annie Bush, Dot Harris, Odell Kelly, Helen Honsiker and Mary Payne.
Some of the birthday folks gave me some advice for our younger generation.
Here is what they said.
Evelyn Jenkins said, “I just turned 90 on June 19th. It feels great to be ninety years old and I feel great. My advice to young people is they should try to live right, help others and don’t be too judgmental.”
Odell Kelly turned 97 this month and when I asked him what advice he had for us he said, “Live a good Christian life. Don’t drink, smoke or gamble. I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke or gamble. I was just a pretty good old boy. We all worked while we were growing up. There was no time to get into trouble. I started working at age five picking cotton and putting it into cotton sacks. I worked all day for a dollar when I was 12 to 15 years old and was considered a field hand. I worked from sun up to sun down. We were making money then—the pay used to be fifty cents a day. We were in ‘high cotton’ when we were making a dollar. I could pick six to seven hundred pounds a day; that is picking it with my hands. We raised just about everything we ate. We worked to live. We had plenty of good things to eat. It was a good, clean life.”
Annie Bush said, “Love God, mind your parents and stand up for your country.”
“We are celebrating the birthdays for the month of June and we have had amazing people. Miss Frame turned 101 on her birthday on June 8th. She couldn’t be here today because she went to Heaven this Thursday morning but we will remember her and miss her. All the residents are celebrating life and we are having a good old time,” Carolyn Powell (activities director) said.
Happy Birthday, birthday Folks!