Meet the Teacher Night at Stafford
Melissa Bedard — Melissa Bedard is the school counselor. “We are just excited to start a new school year.” (Cindy Sutherland)
All kinds of excitement could be felt at Stafford Elementary during the annual Meet the Teacher Night. You could see the excitement in the students faces as they met their teachers and checked out their classroom.
There were many kindergarten students that were ready for school but also just a little leery of what was ahead for them as they were glued to their parents side!
There is a change in store for Holly Spraberry this year. She has taught kindergarten for ten years and now is the new technology teacher. “I will be teaching students from kindergarten through the sixth grade the skills that they need to know for running a computer. It is in the computer lab and we are hoping to get the students in the lab as much as possible, as much as their schedule will allow. I am very excited and very nervous. I will miss the kindergarten students very much, we are talking ten years of teaching kindergarten and this will be my first year out of the kindergarten classroom. I am a little sad but very excited for this new opportunity.”
Teresa Young {Inclusion teacher) said when asked what the Inclusion teacher did, “An Inclusion teacher works with the children if they need extra help. We go to the classroom instead of pulling them out of class. They have done this for about three years now. I enjoy the students and seeing that they are successful.”
Charlotte Morgan (first grade teacher) said, “The first grade is easy as eating a piece of cake all year long. My objective is for each child to be successful and happy and that we just have a great year.”
Melissa Bedard (school counselor) said, " We are just excited to start a new school year, lots of fun things going on and we are ready to get started."
Everyone is excited to start the new school year and Tammy Wallace (principal) summed it up, “We are looking forward to an exciting, fun filled learning year.”