Ready to discover something new?
The Waxahachie Lighthouse For Learning is gearing up for the next semester and you are invited to participate. If you have wanted to learn how to Dutch oven cook with local chef Murrie Wainscott, get your GED, weave a basket, play guitar, speak Spanish, country line dance, weld or get some new recipes for the holiday, this is your chance. There are so many classes to choose from.
This is a cooperative effort between Waxahachie I.S.D., the Texas A&M Extension Agency, master Gardeners and other individual, organizations and businesses to give opportunities to you to learn something new.
Registration is being accepted right now if you are interested and you don’t have to be a resident of Waxahachie to enroll. Classes begin September 23, 2010 for the fall semester. They will vary in length and price and registration is required. You are welcome to register online by going to this website. You are welcome to call Melissa Cobb at 972-923-4631 ext 142 for more details or return this form by mail with check or money order made payable to Waxahachie Lighthouse for Learning. Send to the attention of:
Waxahachie Lighthouse for Learning
411 N. Gibson Street
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Unless otherwise noted, the classes will meet at Waxhachie High School. Keep Learning!