IHS crowns Gilley as Homecoming Queen
Queen Shelbi — Shelbi Gilley, senior at IHS, received the honor of being Homecoming Queen for 2010-2011 school year. She was crowned by 2009 Queen, Drew Windham. (Anne Sutherland)
Strolling down the football field escorted by their fathers or brothers, the IHS senior nominees were introduced individually, along with the Class Princesses.
Willis Field was the place for Italy High School’s Homecoming activities and it was half-time. Seventeen year old, Shelbi Gilley, was crowned the 2010 Homecoming Queen for Italy High School.
Daughter of Steven Gilley and Darla Cook, Shelbi Gilley took her place on the long list of Homecoming Queens at Italy High School. Shelbi is an officer and member of the National Honor Society and Student Council. She is a member of Science club, Spanish Club and her youth group at church. In addition to her studies, Shelbi plays basketball and tennis. She is excited about the rest of her senior year and plans on an education degree from Texas A&M.
Senior nominees include Melissa Smithey, Amber Mitchell, Maria Estrada and Jessica Hernandez. Freshman Princess is Ryisha Copeland, Sophomore Princess is Anna Viers and Junior Princess is Alma Suaste.
Congratulations to Shelbi Gilley and her court.