Williams named interim superintendent
The Italy School Board of Trustees named Charlie Williams as interim superintendent at its board meeting Tuesday night. Williams is expected to begin Nov. 1.
Larry Eubank, board member, said Williams spent 15 years as superintendent at Van Alstyne ISD. After retirement, he said Williams led a school district in Arkansas from near failing to “recognized” status within five years.
The board also hired Tobin Davis as physical education teacher at Stafford Elementary.
During the meeting, Jimmie Malone, superintendent, said someone anonymously made a $3,000 donation for the peewee cheerleading activity fund.
Resident Elmerine Bell addressed the board requesting sensitivity training for the school administration.
Bell, a retired junior high teacher, said she worked for half-a-dozen qualified administrators and never were parents and teachers required to make an appointment to talk with the administrator. She said that is not the case now, noting that some appointments are delayed as much as 24 hours. Often, Bell said that is too long a wait to discuss issues with students, teachers, etc.
She said sensitivity training could prevent possible lawsuits in the future.
In other business, Malone named Kristi Souder as October Employee of the Month.
Souder graduated from a high school in Lubbock and attended a business college. After locating here, she began as a substitute teacher with the Italy ISD.
Malone said Souder shows up for work on time and stays until the job is completed. He commended her for doing her job as a technical aide and filling the position as the principal’s secretary until they named a replacement.
During the financial report, Monica Boyd, business manager, said the district collected approximately 94 percent of projected maintenance and operations funds and 98 percent of its interest and sinking funds.
Boyd alerted board members to possible funding cuts that Texas Legislators will consider in January. She said the school district could possibly lose up to $500,000 in funding.
Malone said the state is trying to recoup $18 billion to balance the budget. He said legislators will consider such items as state income tax and casinos in the Galveston or Corpus Christi area.
Despite the negative financial outlook, he said the local district expects $4.2 million but projected $3.7 million in its budget.
Malone said current student enrollment is 620.
He also said the district began a safety/security audit Tuesday. The state requires this safety audit every three years. Consultants talk with personnel and students about evacuation, lock down, fire drills, tornado drills, drug testing, etc.
The board also approved the TASB Update 88 second reading, approved the renewal of the TASB Risk Management Fund, approved minutes from September and October and financial reports.
The board tabled an item designating a District 15AA baseball chairperson, a position currently held by Malone.