Tobin Davis, new to Stafford Elementary but not to teaching

Image: Tobin Davis — Tobin Davis loves teaching at Stafford Elementary, loves the students, and staff.

Tobin Davis — Tobin Davis loves teaching at Stafford Elementary, loves the students, and staff. (Cindy Sutherland)

Tobin Davis starting teaching physical education at Stafford Elementary October first. She hopes to help students get exercise and fun at the same time.

This is Tobin’s first year to teach physical education but not her first year to teach. She has previously taught reading for seventeen years. But Tobin did not always want to be a teacher, “It was in my junior year in college when my parents said it was time to get a degree plan. After realizing that I love kids and I love people I thought about teaching. The clincher was when I took a ‘what should I be’ test and it said teacher and I thought this is what I am supposed to be doing and I just love it.”

Davis graduated from Stephen F Austin with a degree in Early Education (pre-k through sixth grade) and is life-time certified to teach any subject that is in pre-k through sixth grade.

When asked why she changed from teaching reading to physical education Tobin said, “I wanted to do something different and P.E. sounded like a blast to me. Something just different. I like being a physical education teacher because I get to have all of the kids. When I taught reading I only had a small number of students. I get to have all the kids no matter if they are in CBI or GT. I get to have all of the students and I get to know them all. That is huge to me. I enjoy moving and getting the students moving and I really do believe in students being physically fit.”

Some of the things Davis has the students doing is running games, such as Octopus Tag, and Monsters Tag. Davis said, “We have fun and I try to make it as fun as possible. They are exercising and don’t even realize it. We are running and playing. I had kids running miles to get these little toe tag tokens to put on their shoe laces or on a necklace. Every mile they ran they received a little plastic toe tag that goes on their shoe strings. The kids just loved them and I think it was because they were proud of their accomplishment, every student got one because they all ran more than a mile. If they made it around the track one time it was two miles. We gave them toe tags for their miles and they still wear them. It was a lot of fun.”

Tobin is married to Kirk Davis and has two children, Emma is six and Jake is 11. Her husband owns Ellis County Insurance Company in Waxahachie.

Tobin loves teaching at Stafford Elementary, "What I love about Stafford is I love the staff, I love the teachers. I have never felt more welcomed and more like a family than I have here. There are not clicks of teachers, there are just a lot of people that were so happy that I was here and that is awesome.

When asked why she liked teaching Davis replied, “I would like to say that teaching is my passion. This is what I am supposed to be doing. I do feel that I make a difference and that is so important to me, these students are ‘my kids’. I do this because in my heart I know this is what I am supposed to be doing.”

Welcome to Stafford Elementary Tobin Davis!