Italy Christmas Festival is almost here
Come One Come All! — Come join us on December 4th for Santa, shopping, a parade and lots of fun, then on December 5th for the live nativity and tree lighting. (Cindy Sutherland)
It is that time again! Christmas is right around the corner and it is time for Italy’s Annual Christmas Festival.
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, December 4th
7:00am-10:00am — Lions Club Pancake Breakfast at the First Baptist Church
10:00am-2:00pm — Vendor booths open for business in the McConnell Building
10:00am — Italy Christmas Parade thru downtown Italy
11:00am-1:00pm — Photos with Santa in the McConnell Building
11:00am — Prize Drawings at the Stage
Noon — Prize Drawings in the McConnell Building
1:00pm — Prize Drawings at the Stage
2:00pm — Prize Drawings in the McConnell Building
Sunday, December 5th
5:00pm-5:30pm — Live Nativity/Hot Chocolate Fellowship
5:30pm-6:30pm — Services and Tree Lighting at the Cornerstone
Vendor Booths
There will be lots of booths with lots of fun things for sale such as: cosmetics, baked goods, wickless candles and warmers, jewelry and much more.
Vendors will be located in the Mcconnell building, the cost of a booth will be $30, checks payable to the City of Italy. Vendors will need to bring their own table and chairs. Electricity will be offered free of charge. Vendors may come set up on Friday evening, December 3rd, in the McConnell building from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Vendors can also set up December 4th from 7:00 to 9:00am and may pay for booth rental at that time also.
Parade Information
If you would like to be in the parade there will be a permission and release form to be filled out and turned into the city hall by December 3rd and your parade number will be issued to you on the day of the parade.
Pancake Breakfast
The Lions Club annual “breakfast with Santa” will be from 7:00 am to 10:00 am at the First Baptist Church in Italy located at: 200 Clark street.
Pictures with Santa
There will be free pictures with Santa. Santa Clause will be in the McConnell building from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm., so come and get your child’s picture taken with Santa!
Santa’s Workshop
In Santa’s Workshop located in the McConnell building, there will be cookie decorating and lots of fun things to do for the kids.
Prize Drawing
Every hour on the hour there will be a drawing for prizes. At 11:00 am and 1:00 pm the drawing will be taking place outside by the stage. At 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm the drawing will take place inside the McConnell building with the vendors.
During the day’s festivities the Italy Class of 2015 will be selling $3 raffle tickets for an Apple iPad. The lucky winner will be drawn sometime after noon on Saturday.
Canned Food & Toy Drive
Bring non perishable can goods for the can food drive. All donations will go to the ministerial alliance. Also bring an unwrapped toy to be given to children in need for Christmas in our community.
Live Nativity and Tree Lighting
And don’t forget the tree lighting and live nativity scene on December 5th (in the parking lot of the Cornerstone building). The live nativity will begin at 5:00pm and the services, held in the Cornerstone building, and tree lighting will begin at 5:30pm.
To sum it up come and have lots of fun! There will be Santa, live entertainment, lots of shopping and lots of fun.
For more information contact Janet Campbell – 972-921-7206, Carolee Farnsworth – 817-253-1772 or Stephanie Wilson – 972-483-3051.
See you all there!!