Three Chili’s dinners for three lucky teachers

Image: Stafford Elementary Teachers - Pictured here are the teachers that had “perfect attendance” for the second six weeks of school. From left to right Teresa Young, Peri Patterson, April Mathers, Amy McClesky, Holly Spraberry, Theresa Cockran Rochelle Hellner and Jeanette Janek.

Stafford Elementary Teachers - Pictured here are the teachers that had “perfect attendance” for the second six weeks of school. From left to right Teresa Young, Peri Patterson, April Mathers, Amy McClesky, Holly Spraberry, Theresa Cockran Rochelle Hellner and Jeanette Janek. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Lucky Chili’s Dinner Winners — Teresa Young, Peri Patterson and April Mathers were the lucky winners of free meals at Chili’s.

Lucky Chili’s Dinner Winners — Teresa Young, Peri Patterson and April Mathers were the lucky winners of free meals at Chili’s. (Cindy Sutherland)

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