It was a good day for a parade
Santa has come to town — Mr. and Mrs. Claus were guests in the Italy Festival on Saturday. Santa had to rush back to the North Pole to be ready for the 25th. Elf Crownover was happy to give out candy. (Anne Sutherland)
Have you been good? — Santa, Mrs. Claus and the head elf are checking the list, not once but twice. Have you been good this year? (Anne Sutherland)
Hurry up — The Italy High School Gladiator Regiment Band hurries into position to walk in the parade. (Anne Sutherland)
Super Bowl Champs — IYAA Football is a champion sport and that’s what they are. The local team went to the Super Bowl. Good job, guys! (Anne Sutherland)
How much fun can you have? — If you have a 4 wheeler, get in the parade. It’s awesome! (Anne Sutherland)
Cate Welding — A lot of Italy’s businesses participated in the 3rd Annual Parade and Festival. (Anne Sutherland)
I’m hungry — Have you tried a Mamma’s breakfast burrito? (Anne Sutherland)
Local riding club (Anne Sutherland)
I can’t wait for Christmas — One of the parade watchers was happy to see Santa. (Anne Sutherland)
Candy or a ball — ItalyNeotribune was involved in the parade. Get your hometown news right here. (Anne Sutherland)
Howdy — The Royal Ambassadors from Central Baptist had a float. (Anne Sutherland)
Can I have some more candy? — This young man was ready to grab the next piece of candy tossed his way. (Anne Sutherland)
Josh and Mia — The Droll family was happy to participate in the parade. They took care of the Italy Firefighters. (Anne Sutherland)
Ok, I am a little scared — The firetruck was a little too loud but she had fun anyway. (Anne Sutherland)
Happy to help — Italy Police helped the parade go smoothly. (Anne Sutherland)
Waiting for candy — Christmas is just around the corner and the people of Italy are ready. (Anne Sutherland)
MC Bryant — Bryant Cockran emceed the whole parade and helped give a spark to the festival. (Anne Sutherland)
Cookie time — There were about 30 vendors inside and out on Saturday. Some were even giving away cookies. (Anne Sutherland)