December Birthdays at Trinity Mission
Birthday Fun — These residents are celebrating December birthdays with cake, ice cream and punch. (Cindy Sutherland)
The month of December is well known for Christmas but for Trinity Mission it is also known for lots of birthdays to be celebrated, eight to be exact.
Residents whose birthdays are in December are: Mable Sandifer, Margie Saunders, George Lowe, Edith Newell, Betty Boyd, Lessie Jennings, Ferman Barrentine and Linda Williams.
Betty Boyd (birthday girl) told this story, “My sister Emma was six years older than me. I was born on December 22nd and she thought I was her special Christmas gift from Santa. She tended to me when Mama was busy and she took good care of me. One day I rolled off the bed and she was yelling to Mama to come quick, ‘I killed Betty’. Mama said no you haven’t she just rolled off the bed. Emma is gone now she died in November. She was a good sister.”
Carolyn Powell (activities director) said, “The time is flying at Trinity Mission with another birthday party for the residents. Some even came on Christmas day, Lessie Jennings birthday falls on Christmas. The holiday spirit is everywhere and even the birthdays are taking on a holiday spirit.”
Happy Birthday!