Avalon ISD participates in Jeans for Teens
Brittany Dotson and blue jeans — Brittany headed up this senior project with lots of time and dedication. (Cindy Sutherland)
Avalon’s senior class is participating in a community service project called Jeans for Teens. Jeans for Teens gives jeans to homeless teens who need them.
Brittany Dotson (senior) put the project together. She said, “I received this email from dosomething.org. It told of many projects you could do to help others. After I read about ‘Jeans for Teens’ I thought this would be a really good project for our school. You try and get everyone you can to donate gently used jeans.”
Dotson went on to say, “After we collect the jeans we take them to Aeropostale and they give them out to teens. This is the first year we have done this. We have collected 118 pairs of jeans from staff and students at the Avalon school.”
Sandra Berneking (senior sponsor) said, “Britney asked me to help her get started on this project. I think what she did is awesome, it took a lot of initiative on her part and she did a real good job with it. A lot of teens will be getting jeans!”
Avalon ISD will be accepting donations of jeans up until three o clock on February 11th in the office of the Avalon High School (972/627-3251). That evening they will be taking all the jeans to Aeropostale. Anyone that donates jeans will receive a 25% off discount coupon from Aeropostale.
Way to go Avalon ISD, helping those in need!