Stafford Elementary Recycles
Students signing their pledges — These students are taking signing these pledges very seriously. (Cindy Sutherland)
At Stafford Elementary you will see green recycling bins in every classroom. Stafford Elementary has joined up with the City of Italy in the city’s effort to recycle.
The first grade teachers, Charlotte Morgan, Amy McCleskey and Tracy Williams were instrumental in getting the recycling project started.
Charlotte Morgan explained, “We decided to do some recycling at school because we had so many extra things that needed to be thrown out or recycled and we chose to recycle. We have recycling bins to use in our classrooms and when we fill them up we take them to the big recycling bin beside the school. We started recycling in first grade and now we have gone school wide. So, Stafford Elementary is involved in making our country, our cities and our land nicer and pollution free. The City of Italy provided us with the recycling containers and we are off and running with a very good start at keeping our city pollution free.” Mrs. Morgan added, “Meg Lyons was very instrumental in calling city hall and setting this project up for the students. And we really appreciate her efforts.”
Mrs. McCleskey said, “We have been studying recycling and the kids have learned how to recycle, what to recycle and why recycling is important. It is a great project and we are going to continue to the end of the year and hopefully it will follow over to the student’s homes.”
Good job Stafford Elementary in keeping our city green!