We want champions
Here’s Ned — Ned’s friend was introducing Ned to the students. (Cindy Sutherland)
We want champions, anyone can be a champion if you never give up, encourage others and do your best. That is the theme behind the NED special assembly.
At Stafford Elementary on Thursday the gymnasium was filled with laughter, smiles and yo yo’s which make up the NED Show. The students were having so much fun watching Ned “walk the dog,” go “around the world” and many other tricks with his yoyo, while encouraging the kids to become champions.
The NED Show’s mission is to encourage and inspire students everywhere. They believe there is a champion within each child. And with the right encouragement every child can become whatever they would like to be.
The NED Show promotes academic achievement and character development by teaching the children never to give up and know that all things are possible when you do your best.
Ned had the students think of one class they want to do better at in school and one thing they would like to do better at outside school. He said say what it is and keep it in your head. Then believe you can do it and you will do it.
It was explained to the students when we learn the most is when we make mistakes. But we come with erasers like pencils. When we learn from the mistakes the mistakes don’t come back because we know better and won’t do it again.
The students were divided into two groups and one group was asked to turn to the other group, look at each other and tell them the way to succeed is to never give up, encourage others and do your best. A lot of shouting was going on along with a lot of learning on how to succeed and become your very best.
At the end of the program students were smiling and once again it was another wonderful day at Stafford Elementary.