Teacher with Heart – Charlotte Morgan
Charlotte Morgan — Charlotte has dedicated her teacher career to Stafford Elementary. She has taught at Stafford for twenty one years. (Cindy Sutherland)
When asked what it meant to her to receive the Teacher with Heart award, Charlotte Morgan said, “I know that getting awards don’t mean a lot to some people. But it is a recognition that sometimes a lot of people don’t get. Or it isn’t given very often, so when you do get it, you accept it and you appreciate everyone that has chosen you. I don’t need an award or ribbons, I love what I do. But it is nice to be acknowledged, it says to me you are doing what you love to do and you are being appreciated for it. Which is really nice.”
Morgan has only taught first grade. Stafford Elementary is the only school she has ever taught at and has now been teaching for twenty-one years. When asked what she thought about Stafford Elementary this was her reply, "I love Stafford Elementary. It has always been here, it has been the foundation of my career and my children got their education here. The faculty are phenomenal. I know faculty members come and go but we become a family, a unity at Stafford Elementary. You can go to anyone of the teachers or staff at any time and they will help you out with whatever you need. This really and truly is the one time there is not an “I” in team. We are one. I am glad to be a teacher here, I am very honored to be a teacher here."