Stafford Elementary first graders learn about life cycles
Chicks under the heat lamp — These baby chicks were hatched in an incubator to teach students about life cycles. (Cindy Sutherland)
Stafford Elementary First grade students were studying about life cycles this year. One of the favorite life cycles the students learn about is the chicken, which of course includes eggs and baby chicks.
Charlotte Morgan (first grade teacher) said, “In the first grade we study the life cycle of different animals, insects and plants. We learned about the life cycles of the chicken, the frog, the lady bug, the bee and of a flower. The most enjoyable part is the hatching of the baby chicks. The eggs are donated and last year we gave the baby chicks to the children that wanted one but this year they are going back to the family that donated the eggs. The students have learned so much and had a lot of fun while learning. They have actually seen a baby chick peck through the egg. They have seen it work its way through the shell. There have been times they actually have seen the baby chick emerge from the egg, this is a once in a life time for some of these children. So, they will always remember it.”
Some of the students had a lot to say about the baby chicks. Ty Cash said, “The baby chicks were cool. I learned that the baby chick comes out of an egg”. Alissa Wizer exclaimed, They are so, so, so cute. It was cool to see them peck through the egg."
Desirae Jones said, “They are so cute. I saw the eggs and it was amazing to see the chicks come out of the eggs.” Another student said, “When the baby chicks came out of the eggs there was egg shells on their heads and their bodies and they were wet.”
“The chicks were so funny they kept flipping over when they were hatched out of the eggs,” Evan Cunningham laughingly said.
Another fun day of learning at Stafford Elementary!