Local business man heads to Joplin

Image: David South, owner of Monolithic Constructors, Inc, has been invited to Joplin, Missouri to help teach a workshop on tornado resistant buildings.

David South, owner of Monolithic Constructors, Inc, has been invited to Joplin, Missouri to help teach a workshop on tornado resistant buildings. (Anne Sutherland)

On May 22, 2011, the citizens of Joplin, Missouri experienced the change of a lifetime. A tornado with up to and beyond 200 miles an hour winds devastated 1/3 of their fair city. The devastation included a local nursing home, a hospital and approximately 7000 homes and businesses, losing 155 lives according to the Joplin Globe, June 21, 2011.

David B. South, owner of Monolithic Constructors, Inc. of Italy will travel to Joplin, Missouri July 8-9 to help teach a workshop focused on storm-resistant buildings. This workshop will be open to the public and free of charge and people like South, will teach energy efficient construction, which would include the Monolithic Dome, for construction of homes, schools and commercial buildings. Different educational sessions include community and neighborhood planning, benefits and finance, renewable energy options and advanced storm-proof construction.

“We are always saddened when we see the loss of life and property that often occurs during severe storms like the one that hit Joplin,” said South, who along with his brothers invented and patented the process for building Monolithic Domes. “But events like this workshop make us hopeful that lives can be saved in the future through the construction of safer, better structures that are also energy efficient and green.”

“Art Boyt of Crowder College (located in Neosho, Missouri), coordinator of the presentations, invited me,” South said. “I have a lot of emotions about this. This proposition is beyond daunting, it’s huge. I am so glad to be invited but sad because most of this (information) will be ignored. People tend to like the same o, same o.” South continued, “We are forced in the 21st century which means to quit building the old way or accept the consequences. I am glad to be apart of this workshop in a way. I can teach construction of the Monolithic Dome and show the world we are making a difference.”

Monolithic currently has 5 schools in the design status: Locust Grove, Oklahoma; Dale, Oklahoma; Tide Haven, Texas; Spur, Texas and Woodsboro, Texas. “We have built in 49 states and 52 countries and moving slowly from a secret to a public status. Our buildings are greener, tougher and more efficient because it takes 1/4 power a conventional building would take. It’s totally impervious to tornadoes and we yawn at hurricanes. The dome is non-flammable and reasonably priced being comparative to old style construction. I like the leadership but still dismayed so few will get and understand the message,” South explained.

Monolithic Constructors incorporated in 1978 in Idaho and moved to Italy in 1990. Besides constructing Monolithic Domes, the company also teaches the process in yearly workshops. People come from all over the world to learn how to build the domes and, of course, literally build one. Construction and manufacturing are other divisions of the company, as well as selling literature about Monolithic Domes and other marketplace items. They host a yearly tour that includes all the states and Canada. This year the tour is October 14 and 15. Different homes are open for tour by the public and everyone is invited.

It’s exciting to know what a resource is hidden right here in our little town. Such knowledge should be seen and taken for what it is, just good ol’ fashion common sense. If a building is destroyed by high winds, why wouldn’t a Monolithic Dome take its place? One step at a time, one city at a time, slowly but surely this world will turn round.