2011-2012 School Year Starts Off With A Bang!
The Italy varsity, JV and junior high cheerleading squads sang our National Anthem to open meet-the-teacher night on Thursday night. (Anne Sutherland)
The new Italy ISD Superintendent, Barry Bassett, welcomed the parents, students and faculty to the George Scott Gym Thursday night. The seats were filled with eager students anticipating seeing old friends, meeting new ones and school starting.
Italy ISD invited the community for meet-the-teacher night and included ice cream in the mix—almost a pep rally for the new year. The Italy High School, JV and Junior High Cheerleaders lead the group in the National Anthem. After the introductions of Stafford Principal, Jason Miller, and Italy High School Principal, Lee Joffre, Mr. Bassett explained how he felt, “I really am excited about the 2011-2012 school year. I know that the students can accomplish anything if they put their mind to it.” Bassett introduced the school board members present in the crowd. “I have worked with them since May and you can believe they think of how every new aspect will benefit the student and help the staff.” The new superintendent also explained the administration was turning to the future, “Looking at the big picture 5 years from now, the most important thing is how are we going to get there. That’s by our core values that come from the district, staff, students and the community. We will be accountable to our values.” Bassett has already invited area pastors for lunch at the end of the month to hear their input and would like to host a community breakfast in September, “All of you have a voice.”
Principal Jason Miller announced he was proud to be a Stafford Tiger on a state Recognized campus. He explained the new year has started and the faculty was excited about the new changes, “We are going to hit the ground running this year.” Miller invited the community to stop by and see the campus.
Principal Lee Joffre was also excited to bring his family to Italy and be apart of the community. “We already feel right at home. We feel privileged to be in Italy ISD,” Joffre announced. Joffree was equally excited about the upcoming school year and was ready to announce new teachers at the high school, " Mr. Perez’s band program is awesome and we are proud to bring him a new assistant, Erica Scott." Scott will also play a big part in extra curricular activities such as UIL Academics. Joffree announced the high school will host UIL Academics for elementary students this year and put Italy High School on the map. Sharon Davis was announced as the new high school counselor and Vanessa Tangumera will be the new FFCLA sponsor and teacher. New courses were also announced that would be added to the curriculum to help round out the students.
Head Football Coach Craig Bales spoke to the crowd as well, “I am so excited to start the year. Our football and volleyball programs have begun and I can see they are making strides towards a good season.” Bales invited everyone to watch volleyball beginning at 4:30 on Fridays before the football game on Friday nights.
Ice cream was served as the parents and students met the teachers, received their new schedules for the school year and visited both campuses.