September birthdays celebrated at Trinity Mission

Image: Audrey Aldridge was happy to celebrate her birthday.

Audrey Aldridge was happy to celebrate her birthday. (Cindy Sutherland)

Let’s have cake and ice cream! That was the cry at Trinity Mission from those folks that had birthdays in the month of September.

Many smiles were all around as each birthday was recognized. The birthdays celebrated were:

Audrey Aldridge September 14th
Clara Roberts September 11th
Jackie Adams September 11th
Margaret Oliphant September 17th
Alice Muenster September 30th

Audrey said, “I always have liked my birthday. Seeing my daughter on my birthday makes them special and she always comes to celebrate with me.”

When asked what made this birthday special, Clara Roberts replied, “I am alive that is one thing that made it special!” Clara turned ninety-two on her birthday this month. Her advice for the younger generation was to be patient. Patience is the key to everything."

Alice Muenster’s birthday was special this year because the same month as her birthday is also her wedding anniversary and she has been married for seventy one years this year.

Carolyn Powell (activities director) said, “Birthdays are coming and going and the years are passing by. We are now in the Fall season and are having fun celebrating fall birthdays.”

There was cake and ice cream for everyone and it was another great day at Trinity Mission.