Save our planet and wildlife


Meagan Hooker is a sixteen year old junior at Italy High School with a burning desire to help preserve our wildlife and to help conserve our world that we live in. So much so that she wants to tell others what she has learned and how others can gain knowledge to help the cause.

One of her experiences that really helped fuel her fire was when she went to the Texas Brigades summer camp. The camp offers three different categories: Buckskin Brigade, Bobwhite Brigade and Bass Brigade. In the Buckskin Brigade you will learn all about white tail deer. In the Bob White Brigade you will learn all about Bob White and other quail species. In the Bass Brigade you will learn all about Bass and other fish.

Meagan has been to the Buckskin Brigade camp twice, and once in the Bass Brigade. She has always been interested in wildlife and has chosen Environmental Sciences of Wildlife Biology to study in college. She said, “Our future depends on the education of the next generations to help with conservation and the preservation of our wildlife. If we don’t take care and be aware of what we have, it will be gone and won’t be there for our future generations.”

Hooker feels that Texas Brigade Camps have helped influence her career and life choices. If you would like to learn more about the Texas Brigade Summer Camps call them at 210-826-2904 or check out their website at:

With students like Meagan Hooker our future will be a brighter one!