Community-wide men’s fellowship chili dinner
Lined up for some good chili and beans. (Cindy Sutherland)
The second annual Men and Boys Community Chili Dinner took place at the Cornerstone on Wednesday night at 6:30 pm. Several churches throughout the town were represented. Family Fellowship Church, First Baptist Church of Italy, and Central Baptist Church all had church members attend the dinner. Murray Wainscott was in charge of putting it together and he did a great job.
Murray made the chili and Curtis Riddle made the beans so you know the dinner was off to a good start.
Following the wonderful food The Family Fellowship Band played songs. I’ll Fly Away, When We All Get to Heaven, Great is our God, and How Great Thou Art just to name a few. The band members are Ken Harris, Keith Roberts, Shaun Roberts and Eli Harris.
The special speakers were Paul Cockerham and Hayden Woods.
Tom Little attended the dinner and said, “This is the second year that we have had this men’s dinner. It is meant as a time of bonding with all the men of the community. A good time of good food and good music.”
Murray Wainscott explained, “This dinner started out as a fish fry for the Central Baptist men. Then we decided to make it simpler and serve chili and beans. We also decided that it would be a good way to reach out to all of the men in the community. It was such a success we decided to keep it going. We feel this is a good way to encourage the men and boys of the community.”