You already know her as the animal control and code enforcement officer…
Shelbee Landon, was sworn in as a new police officer for the City of Italy.
Now you will know her as a certified police officer.
Today, December 30th, Shelbee Landon, was sworn in as a new police officer for the City of Italy. Landon has worked for the City of Italy since August 1st, 2011 as the part-time animal control and code enforcement officer.
She came to the city with animal control experience while working part-time with the City of Hillsboro. Landon also put herself through the 1st full time police officer academy at Hill College.
Landon has made great progress with animal issues and code enforcement issues while she has worked for the city. She has received many commendations for her work ethic. There is still a lot of work to be done and Chief Diron Hill saw an opportunity when a part-time patrol position became available.
Chief Hill consolidated the part-time patrol position and the part-time animal control/code enforcement position to make a full time position that will be beneficial to the citizens of Italy in a variety of ways.
Now, after her field training, Landon will not only take care of the animal control and code enforcement issues, but she will also be available to assist officers and take police calls as a certified officer. Landon will be in a 16 week field training program but will still work part-time as the code enforcement/animal control officer until she has completed training. After training, she will work a full 40 hour week.