Bales receives Kayrene Uehlinger Scholarship
(Alysa Kirton)
Kaytlyn Bales, Italy High School senior, was named recipient of the Kayrene Uehlinger Scholarship at Central Baptist Church in Italy Sunday morning.
Bales, daughter of Craig and Jenny Bales, has been a member of Central Baptist Church since their family moved to Italy.
Ronnie Clanton, a 1968 Italy High School graduate, presented the annual award memorializing his former classmate who died in 1997. Kayrene had a love for youth and the class of 1968 created this scholarship following her death. They ask that donations be made throughout the year to pay for this annual scholarship.
Bales was NHS president her junior year, NHS reporter her senior year, has been student council reporter, class secretary, FCA student leader, powerlifting team captain, FCCLA student advisor and youth group leader. She has also qualified for state powerlifting four years in a row.
Bales said she will be attending Angelo State University in San Angelo in the fall.