Kim Nelson Stafford PE Teacher
Kim Nelson loves her job, teaching children and having them learn their full potential. (Cindy Sutherland)
Kim Nelson has taught at Stafford Elementary for six years. She has taught third grade science, fourth grade reading and writing, and now she teaches kindergarten through sixth grade physical education.
When asked what the difference was in teaching physical education and science, writing and reading, Kim replied, “Teaching physical education is fun but you have every student of each grade in your class but only for one period. It is hard to develop a close relationship with them that way. Teaching the other subjects you have them in your class every day and it is the same students for longer periods of time and you can keep up with them academically and that is what I enjoy, knowing how they are doing.”
When asked if she has ever considered working at any other school Nelson said, “No, I started teaching in Italy, and I hope to retire from Italy, I cannot imagine being anywhere else.”
Nelson did not always want to teach. Right after she graduated from high school she began college in Tyler, planning to get her degree in the nursing field or psychology. She said, “I had planned on finishing college, just go straight through and finish it, but a year later I decided to put college on hold to start a family. I honestly cannot remember when or why I made the choice to get my teaching degree but I am so glad that I made that decision. I graduated with my degree from Texas A&M Commerce. It was the best decision I have ever made. I love my job and cannot picture myself doing anything else.”
When asked what she liked best about teaching, Nelson replied, “I love the interactions, the challenges, and witnessing the growth in my students, we are always learning together throughout the year.”
Kim loves to have goals for her students But the one goal that never changes is she wants every student to realize that they have the potential for success and to challenge themselves beyond their limits.
“In ten years from now, I am sure I will still be teaching children. Hopefully, I will be at Stafford Elementary,” Nelson replied when asked where she saw herself in ten years.
When asked what her thoughts were about our new principal, Mr. Miller, Nelson said, “Mr. Miller has been a great leader. He is exactly what Stafford has needed. He demands that the students respect all adults on campus. Our discipline has improved tremendously, which allows us to teach the students more effectively.”
“As the PE teacher, Mrs. Nelson teaches every student in the building. Mrs. Nelson often volunteers on her planning period to assist as needed on campus. Mrs. Nelson is a true team player,” praised Mr. Miller.
We are so glad you are here Kim Nelson!