Physicals required for all Italy HS/JHS 7th thru 12th grade student-athletes
Italy’s Athletic Director, Hank Hollywood, reminds incoming 7th thru 12th grade male and female student-athletes to get physicals by Monday, August 6. (Barry Byers)
Italy High School Athletic Director, Hank Hollywood, reminds incoming 7th to 12th grade male and female student-athletes that they must have a sports physical to be eligible to compete during the 2012-2013 school year. Medical forms must be turned into coaches no later than Monday, August 6, even if the athlete is not playing a sport until the school year is further along.
The school will not be providing any doctors to conduct the physicals according to Coach Hollywood.
Athletes need to be in top physical form to play junior high and high school sports. The first step is to make sure they have a physical exam. Physicals are mandatory for anyone interested in participating in athletics at any level at Italy High School and/or Junior High School.
The necessary medical forms provided by Italy Family Medicine have been included with this article. Dr. Arkusinski and his staff are offering physicals for a $25.00 fee per student.
Contact Italy Family Medicine clinic:
(972) 483-7979
Italy Family Medicine clinic hours:
Monday thru Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am – 7:00pm
Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
(Closed from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Monday thru Thursday for lunch)
Good luck to all IJHS and IHS Lady Gladiator and Gladiator student-athletes as they each prepare for what is sure to be another exciting year in Italy Athletics!
Dr. Arkusinski would like to make aware that Italy Family Medicine offers the $25.00 fee per physical to neighboring schools, as well. So all you Milford Bulldogs can high-tail it over, all you Avalon Eagles can fly in and all you Frost Polar Bears can slip in for a great deal at Italy Family Medicine!