Stafford Elementary Meet the Teacher Night
Mrs. Hellner (4th grade teacher) and Evie Hernandez. (Cindy Sutherland)
The halls of Stafford Elementary were filled to the “gills” with children, parents, teachers and staff. You guessed it, it was Meet the Teacher night Thursday evening. And you could hear parents asking their children aren’t you excited to go to school? The answers were varied with, can’t wait, no, yes, and oh boy baby!
Dorothy Creighton was there with her daughter and grandchild and said, “This is going to be a good year! It is nice to see all the bright colors – good colors on the walls, good to see the familiar faces of kids and teachers. Again, it is going to be a good year.”
Jennifer Aguado (4th grade teacher) is ready for school to start. This year she is teaching fourth grade and she said, “I am in the fourth grade now and boy am I excited. I will be teaching writing and reading. And both my children will be attending Stafford this year, my son Maddox is in kindergarten and has Mrs. Williams and my daughter Madison is in Mrs. Helner’s fourth grade class. I am excited to be here and I will be learning right along with my students. It is going to be a great year.”
Mr. Harvel (sixth grade teacher) is happy to start school. He wants his class to be goal oriented. He said, “You have a better success rate if you have a goal you are shooting for. Obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
Our new principal Myla Wilson was at the door meeting and greeting the students and their parents. She is also ready for school to start and begin a new year at Stafford Elementary.
The consensus is, everyone is ready to get back in school and start learning all they can. And the teachers are eager to start a new year of teaching the students.