Help us SAVE ST. MARY CEMETERY between Italy and Avalon from land developers
Help us SAVE ST. MARY CEMETERY, an old graveyard which dates back to the 1870s and contains the remains of individuals who were vital in the transformation of this part of Ellis County. A rally of family, neighbors, friends, historians, and cemetery preservationists from across the state will take place rain or shine on Saturday, September 1, 2012 at 12:00 Noon in front of the cemetery on Hughes Cemetery Road. Please come out for this event so that we can show in solidarity that we do not endorse what has happened to the resting place of these Ellis County pioneers. (Submitted photo)
Help Save St. Mary Cemetery
Over 5 months ago, on March 24, 2012, it was discovered that Creek Land & Cattle Company, a land development business registered in the State of Nevada, had encroached upon the old St. Mary Cemetery located on Hughes Cemetery Road between Italy and Avalon, Texas.
The developers removed a fence on the west and north sides, as well as a portion of fence on the south side, and bulldozed a road through a portion of the burial ground. Texas Cemetery Laws prohibit this type of activity. The intrusion upon, as well as the damage to St. Mary Cemetery was immediately reported to Ellis County law enforcement officials. A few weeks ago, holes were dug into the gravesite to accommodate concrete for a newly constructed fence established so as not to interfere with the illegal road.
County law enforcement officials have, so far, failed to issue any type of injunction to stop Creek Land & Cattle Company from doing as they please at St. Mary Cemetery. The developer continues to use the road to transport trucks and heavy excavation equipment over the gravesite and the construction of the fence indicates that he plans to continue in blatant disregard of the laws of the State of Texas.
Help us SAVE ST. MARY CEMETERY, an old graveyard which dates back to the 1870s and contains the remains of individuals who were vital in the transformation of this part of Ellis County. A rally of family, neighbors, friends, historians, and cemetery preservationists from across the state will take place rain or shine on Saturday, September 1, 2012 at 12:00 Noon in front of the cemetery on Hughes Cemetery Road. Please come out for this event so that we can show in solidarity that we do not endorse what has happened to the resting place of these Ellis County pioneers.
Together we can save St. Mary Cemetery from the same plight of hundreds of other cemeteries that are destroyed each year by encroaching land developers who have no regard for the sanctity of the dead and from law enforcement officials who choose to look the other way.
Follow St. Mary Cemetery on Facebook ….also view the website to locate a map of St. Mary Cemetery on Hughes Cemetery Road in Ellis County, Texas
Note: The Save St. Mary Cemetery Rally should last no more than an hour. Hopefully, during this time you will be able to see for yourself just what has occurred at the cemetery and make a personal analysis of the situation.
For any questions or concerns regarding in this matter, please contact: Elmerine Bell at [email protected].