Stafford Elementary Students—United for a common goal
The kids are having fun playing Dragon Tag. The idea is to keep together and tag another team without breaking a part. (Cindy Sutherland)
Stafford had a field day the first week of school. How much fun is that you ask? Lots of fun! But, there is a method to the madness so to speak.
Myla Wilson (principal) is helping Stafford students in building team skills and working together as a unit. Mrs. Wilson explained, “Each class has worked on developing a class vision for this school year. In order to build on the idea that they are united for a common goal, it was decided to hold a mini field day on Friday August 31st. Each game the students played were team building activities in order to increase class ownership and improve problem solving skills.”
Many games were played such as Keep the Ball in the Air, Hoops, Dragon Tag, Smallest to Tallest and many more.
The game, “Keep the Ball in the Air” required the students as a team to keep that ball in the air and not let it drop to the ground.
The “Hoops” game went like this, the students were put in groups of ten. Each group was given two hula hoops. They then had to loop the hula hoop through two students arms and then were asked to hold hands and pass the hula hoop around the circle until the two hoops got back to where they started without breaking hands. This required them to work together and solve the problem of how to pass the hoop without dropping hands. You couldn’t get mad, you couldn’t yell, you just had to figure it out as a team working together.
Coach Melissa Fullner (new P.E. teacher) put the whole field day together with well thought out games using team skills. She said, “Field day really turned out great. The kids had a good time and were developing unity skills at the same time.”
The students had a beautiful day to enjoy the games and build relationships with their teachers and the new principal.
Another great day at Stafford Elementary!