Milford Titus Women celebrate their 4th Anniversary

Image: The Milford Titus Women! They are strong, courageous and the helping hands for the community of Milford.

The Milford Titus Women! They are strong, courageous and the helping hands for the community of Milford. (Cindy Sutherland)

Back in 2009 the Milford Titus Women celebrated their one year anniversary and with gladness and happiness in their hearts they celebrated their fourth anniversary this month.

The mission of the Milford Titus Women is to unite the Women of Milford, to be Jesus to their community by meeting one another’s needs and encouraging each other to be all they can be in Christ.

It takes a lot of spunk and hard work to keep a worthwhile club like Milford Titus Women up and running. But they have done it and have done a lot of good for the community of Milford, Texas.

Last year they were very busy being God’s hands in the community. They held a Father and Daughter Valentine dinner and dance, gathered coats, mittens, scarves and hats for kids in need of them (Coats for Kids). They honored the police officers of Milford Police Department and teachers at Milford ISD by bringing them wonderful snacks and baked goods every day for a whole week. They hosted the Angel Tree and were able to give many children a wonderful Christmas. And that is just to name a few.

Next year they have a lot of events coming up. October 14th they will honor the Pastors of all the Milford Churches by buying gift cards to show how much they appreciate them. In November they will do their Coats for Kids, in February they will host the Father and Daughter Valentine dinner and dance, in December they will be gathering toys and clothes for the Angel Tree and in May they will be hosting a Mother and Son dinner and dance.

Everyone involved with the Milford Titus Women love what they are doing. After asking the members why they are part of the Milford Titus Women the consensus was, they love helping the community, it enhances their faith as Christians, they love being able to help the children in need and it makes them feel good to be able to help others.

Happy 4th Anniversary Milford Titus Women.