We are begining at the beginning
Tracy Williams, Kindergarden teacher at Stafford Elementary (Cindy Sutherland)
Kindergarten, what a wonderful grade to teach! The students are thrilled to be at school and can’t wait to learn everything you have to teach them. They are like little blank books ready for their pages to be written in. Stafford Elementary has just the right teacher for the job.
Tracy Williams has been teaching at Stafford Elementary for nine years. For the last eight years she has taught first grade. This year for the first time she is teaching kindergarten. Tracy said, “It is different teaching kindergarten compared to first grade because with kindergartners you are starting at the very beginning. Little things like writing their names on their papers have to be taught as when in first grade you just ask them to write their names on their papers and they can do it.”
Williams has wanted to be a teacher since she was a senior in High School. At her High School they had a PALS program where the students would earn extra credit while they helped with the pre-K students. “While I was participating in that program is when I realized this is what I wanted to do. I enjoyed working with the kids so much, I enjoyed watching their eyes light up with every new experience,”she explained.
Tracy has a graduate degree in Human Development and Family Studies with a post graduate degree in Early Childhood Education from Texas Tech University. She graduated in 2004 and started working at Stafford Elementary teaching first grade and has been at Stafford ever since.
When asked how she felt about Stafford Elementary, Williams replied, “This is home to me. I work with great, great people. The teachers and administrators and students are just great to be around. I chose teaching because I wanted to do something I enjoyed, something that I wanted to do everyday. I also wanted to do something that would make a positive difference in people’s lives.”
When asked what she hoped to help her students accomplish this year she said, “To master all the kindergarten objectives before they go into the first grade. I want to give them a good foundation to build on. One of my favorite quotes is by Plato and it is, ‘The beginning is the most important part of the work’ and I have found this to be so true with my students.”
This is what Stafford Elementary principal, Myla Wilson had to say about Mrs. Williams, "Tracy Williams is a super fantastic kindergarten teacher! Every student that she encounters whether in her room or someone else’s room is taken in by her lovable energy. She sets high expectations and works until each child is successful.
Tracy is married to Brad Williams and has two boys, Cy is six and in first grade at Stafford Elementary and Kross is three years old.
We are glad you are part of the Stafford Team Mrs. Williams!