Stafford Elementary Family Picnic
Dedicated teachers, principal and staff working hard at making the family picnic a success. (Cindy Sutherland)
Lots and lots of families, music, food and fun is what was happening at Stafford Elementary on Tuesday and Thursday evening this past week. Yes, I am talking about the family picnics that took place at Stafford Elementary.
Bringing families together is what Myla Wilson, Stafford Elementary’s new principal had in mind when she came up with the idea of the family picnics. She said, “I wanted to bring families together in a familiar setting so students could see their teachers and friends. Parents could be introduced to their children’s friends that they are always being told about and meet their parents. Just an opportunity to share a meal and have some fun together.”
Janna Weaver was there along with her family and said, “This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and the kids get to play with their friends after school. I think it is a great idea.”
Many families were enjoying good food and having lots of fun just being together making the family picnics a success.