Trinity Mission Shares Their Halloween Spirit
Trick or Treat! (Cindy Sutherland)
Halloween, what a fun time everyone has for this occasion. Although I don’t know who has more fun than the folks at Trinity Mission. Each year they share their Halloween spirit with the Stafford Elementary students by putting on a fall festival complete with games, candy and lots of fun.
This year they had a dunking booth! Wonderful Robert Bibles (maintenance department) manned this booth and if he wanted to get wet he was at the right place. Even though these students were only pre schoolers and kindergartners very rarely did they miss their mark. And his fellow workers were more than happy to keep handing out those balls to all the students hoping to see the man go down in the water.
There were so many goblins, witches, clowns, super heroes and that is just to name a few of the scary and funny little ones running around collecting candy and playing games. Not only were the students in the Halloween spirit but the Trinity Mission staff were dressed up as chiefs, clowns, pumpkins and even the therapy dog, Lisa Marie got in on the act wearing her wonder woman costume. Even some of the residents could be seen handing out candy as batman and various characters. I even spotted a pirate.
There were so many games including the fishing game, face painting, decorate a cuppcake, mummy ball, candy corn bowling, put the spider on the web and witch hat ring toss. But I think the favorite game of all was the dunking booth.
“Bringing children into Trinity Mission makes everyone feel young again! It is good times, good friends and good candy,” Carolyn Powell (activities director) explained cheerfully dressed in her bright clown costume.
Just another fun day of living life at Trinity Mission.