Trunk or Treat at Stafford Elementary
These students are having fun. (Cindy Sutherland)
This year at Stafford Elementary the students were treated to “Trunk or Treat” coordinated by the Stafford Elementary PTO. The teachers, staff and lots of parents handed out lots of candy from the trunks of their cars and trucks. The back parking lot was filled with students and creatively decorated vehicles. They went all out!
Some cars were decorated with pumpkin and ghost banners, pumpkins hanging off the trunks, scarecrows, baskets of candy and there was even a castle wall with a scary serpent on top.
And of course we cannot forget about all the little goblins, ghosts, jokers and clowns going from trunk to trunk getting all kinds of candy. There was even a box with legs ready to collect his treats. The costumes were really creative this year.
Myla Wilson (principal) was very happy with the participation of the parents and the students. She said, “We asked the students to pick a character out of a book and dress up like that character. In the classroom the students read parts of the book with their character in it. We have such an awesome turn out, we have the best parents in the world.”
Another fun day at Stafford Elementary.