Titus Women of Milford — 4th year to host an Angel Tree
Titus Women Angie Knott, Arveal Wimbish and Maxine Morris standing by the Angel Tree. (Cindy Sutherland)
Christmas is the time for joy, happiness, thankfulness and sharing. Sharing with those that are not as fortune as ourselves. Titus Women are at it again! This is their fourth year to host the Angel Tree located at Milford City Hall. Once again they want to give to others and invite others to do the same thing. What else is Christmas spirit about?
This year they started with forty angels, the most they have ever had! Now they are down to fifteen angels left on the tree. Along with the gifts people donate to the “Angels” each “Angel” will receive one pair of tennis shoes donated by the Titus Women.
Griffin Motorcycle Club had a Christmas Run to Midlothian and gathered toys to help the Titus Women this year. Hopefully to insure no child will go without something under their tree on Christmas day.
The gifts need to be returned to Milford City Hall by the 18th of December by 5:00PM. On the 22nd of December parents will be invited to come to pick up the presents for their children at the Milford Senior Citizen’s Center.
The address for the Milford City Hall is: 100 S Main St, Milford, TX 76670.
If you need more information the Milford City Hall phone number is: 972-493-3161.
Hours of operation are: Monday through Friday – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
So come on down to Milford City Hall, pick an “Angel” off the tree and spread the Christmas spirit with a child and make their Christmas bright!