Christmas at Trinity Mission

Image: Santa came to spread Christmas joy to all the residents.

Santa came to spread Christmas joy to all the residents. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Therapy group sang their rendition of ‘The Twelve Days of Therapy’ to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas.

Therapy group sang their rendition of ‘The Twelve Days of Therapy’ to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: This resident sporting reindeer antlers, was the designated ‘leg looper’ of the Therapy group.

This resident sporting reindeer antlers, was the designated ‘leg looper’ of the Therapy group. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Here come the Grapes!

Here come the Grapes! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: The ‘Grapevine Group’ are up and dancing to ‘I Heard it Through the Grapevine’.

The ‘Grapevine Group’ are up and dancing to ‘I Heard it Through the Grapevine’. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Anywhere Carolyn Powell is, there is bound to be a lot of fun. She is one of the dancing grapes.

Anywhere Carolyn Powell is, there is bound to be a lot of fun. She is one of the dancing grapes. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Barry Wilsford singing I’ll Have a Blue Christmas Without You.

Barry Wilsford singing I’ll Have a Blue Christmas Without You. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Here come the “Can Can Girls” of Trinity Mission!

Here come the “Can Can Girls” of Trinity Mission! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: How high can you kick?

How high can you kick? (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: The “Can Can Girls” wishing you a Merry Christmas!

The “Can Can Girls” wishing you a Merry Christmas! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Calling all Elves! Let’s pass out the presents.

Calling all Elves! Let’s pass out the presents. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: I wonder what this is?

I wonder what this is? (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: What in the world could this be?

What in the world could this be? (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: It is a Merry Christmas!

It is a Merry Christmas! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Look what I got!

Look what I got! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: There were presents for everyone.

There were presents for everyone. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: I got a present too!

I got a present too! (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: Here is a happy ‘reindeer’.

Here is a happy ‘reindeer’. (Cindy Sutherland)

Image: We got presents too!

We got presents too! (Cindy Sutherland)

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