January birthdays celebrated at Trinity Mission
Pearl Creager celebrates her birthday on January 26th. (Cindy Sutherland)
When we think of January we think of cold, cold weather, sometimes snow and sometimes cold winds whistling through the air in Texas. But the cold never touched Trinity Mission in January, because there were so many warm birthday wishes being offered to the birthday residents that no one could ever be touched by the cold.
It is a girl’s birthday month for this January, no boys this time! The birthday girls are: Elsie Wellig, Pearl Creager and Annie Sadler. These birthday girls were especially happy with all the cake and ice cream, birthday wishes and celebrating their birthdays with the other residents.
“January birthdays are here already. Residents are celebrating their birthdays right along with some of the ‘famous’ people such as: Tippi Hedren, Jean Stapleton, Dolly Parton and even Elvis Presley! The residents of Trinity Mission are starting the new year off right with birthday celebrations,” explained Carolyn Powell (activity director).
Happy Birthday, birthday girls!