Stafford Elementary Choir
Stafford Elementary Choir (Cindy Sutherland)
Stafford Elementary has a student choir this year. It is comprised of third, fourth and fifth graders. And boy can they sing!
Felicia Burkhalter (Choir Director) along with her assistant Lynn Rudd are having a lot of fun teaching the students new songs, how to hit a high note and much, much more. Along with the fun is also a lot of hard work. They hold practices every Thursday for about forty five minutes so they have a lot of information to get across to the students in a short amount of time.
But these students are certainly up to the challenge! They can perform like nobody’s business under Mrs. Burkhalter’s and Mrs. Rudd’s instruction. So far they have performed at one of the school board meetings, in the Christmas Parade and at the PTO Christmas event.
Their next performance is tentatively set up for February 28th, celebrating Black History month. They will be singing: Walk a Mile, Let There be Peace on Earth and Kumbia.
Mrs. Burkhalter said, “The children are very excited about their choir and can’t wait to be here singing. We are integrating different types of songs and they are doing very well.”
When asked how she liked heading up the choir Mrs. Burkhalter went on to say, “Singing is my passion—singing and children. I have sung all my life so this is right up my alley. Mrs. Rudd loves to sing as well and I am so blessed to have her helping me.”